


时   间:20221130日(周三)19:00-20:30

地   点:腾讯会议ID(线上会议): 181 550 262

主讲人:王治国 浙江大学心理科学研究中心 研究员


主题Simulating saccadic decision-making in a neural field model of the superior colliculus [基于上丘的神经场模型探讨眼跳决策的计算机制]


Humans make 2-3 rapid eye movementsor “saccades”every second while awake. Saccades quickly shift gaze from one place to another so the brain can effectively sample information from the visual environment despite a tiny fovea on the retina. Saccades are either voluntarily controlled or triggered by salient external events. The generation of saccades involves a collection of neural substrates, including but not limited to the frontal eye fields (FEFs), the lateral intraparietal cortices (LIP), the basal ganglia, and the superior colliculus (SC). The SC has a layered structure. The superficial layers process external visual input, the deep layers process multisensory and higher cortical inputs, whereas the intermediate layers combine all sources of inputs to trigger a saccade. In this talk, I will discuss why the generation of saccades can be considered the outcome of decision-making processes and present a neural field model that can be used to simulate various neuronal and behavioral level observations.


        王治国博士毕业于中国科学院心理研究所应用心理学专业,曾在荷兰和澳大利亚从事博士后研究,曾在杭州师范大学和SR Research(加拿大)从事研究和开发工作。20215月入职浙江大学,任“百人计划”研究员。王治国博士目前的主要研究方向包括人因工程和人机交互、AR/VR眼动追踪、机器人仿人学习和神经计算建模;曾获国家自然科学基金面上项目(2014年)和获澳大利亚研究会DECRA基金(2016年),主持省部级、市级及企业委托项目4项(在研2项);在Psychonomic Bulletin & Review等心理学国际专业刊物发表论文近40篇,出版英文教材1部(2021年)。

