饶恒毅:Understanding fatigue in the human brain



时   间:2023年327日(周一)19:30-21:00

地   点:腾讯会议ID(线上会议): 101 408 335(密码:1930)

主讲人:饶恒毅  上海市脑机协同信息行为重点实验室主任;磁共振成像研究中心主任

主持人:沈 强

主   题Understanding fatigue in the human brain


      Fatigue is a widespread issue that impacts individuals across various domains of life, from learning and work to sports and driving. Fatigue is also a prevalent symptom of many chronic diseases. In this presentation, we will share the latest insights from our multimodal neuroimaging studies, which explore the distinct neural correlates of subjective fatigue experiences and objective cognitive fatigability in the human brain. Understanding both the subjective and objective aspects of fatigue is crucial for enhancing health and safety, devising novel treatments, optimizing performance, and improving the quality of life for both healthy individuals and clinical patients.


      饶恒毅,上海外国语大学教授,博士生导师,上海市脑机协同信息行为重点实验室主任,磁共振成像研究中心主任,曾任美国宾夕法尼亚大学教授, SLEEP等期刊编委,中国、美国、英国、加拿大、香港等多国基金项目评审专家。一直致力于发展和应用各种无创性脑成像技术来评测人脑的正常和异常工作状态,探讨人类主观经验与客观行为的神经基础。已在SciencePNAS等期刊发表了140篇学术论文,被引用9200次,h-因子44主持科技创新 2030“脑科学与类脑研究”重大项目、美国国立健康研究院(NIH)、帕金森基金会(Parkinson’s Foundation)、宾夕法尼亚大学研究基金等国内外多项课题曾获得美国睡眠学会APSS25届年会睡眠剥夺分会唯一的杰出研究奖,研究成果被Scientific American, Science Daily, CNN, US NEWS, Medical News Today, Philly.com等国际媒体多次报导,具有广泛的学术影响力。

